Visites guidées et observations des oiseaux

Nouveau: nos visites guidées en Camargue, dans les Alpilles, dans le Verdon…une partie de la journée sera consacrée à l’OBSERVATION des OISEAUX. 

Afin d’optimiser ces sorties naturalistes, et parce que c’est essentiel, nous vous prêterons une paire de jumelles 8×42. Nous utiliserons aussi une longue vue 20×60 afin d’observer les OISEAUX dans les meilleures conditions sans causer de dérangement. 

La région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur est riche de 9 Parcs Régionaux, ils ont été crées pour protéger la vie sauvage, faune et flore, pour préserver le patrimoine culturel et pour soutenir les acteurs économiques, les artisants et les agriculteurs.

Parade amoureuses des Flamands roses en Camargue.

Mieux connaître pour mieux protéger !

Merci et à bientôt pour de nouvelles visites guidées et ensoleillées, Cécile

Une reconnaissance dans l’émission Ici Provence avec Véronique Dardoize

Avec Tours in Provence, partez à la découverte des trésors de la région dans une voiture privée et climatisée, accompagné de Cécile, votre guide passionnée. Qu’il s’agisse des Alpilles, du Luberon, des Gorges du Verdon ou de la Camargue, chaque circuit vous promet une immersion au cœur de paysages grandioses, de monuments exceptionnels, et de marchés colorés aux senteurs de lavande.

Mais Tours in Provence, c’est aussi une spécialité unique : des circuits ornithologiques pour les amoureux de la nature et des oiseaux, une manière différente et enrichissante d’explorer la richesse de la faune provençale.

Une belle reconnaissance par Le Petit Futé et l’émission Ici Provence

Récemment, Tours in Provence a eu l’honneur d’être sélectionné par Véronique Dardoize du Petit Futé dans l’émission Ici Provence. Ce programme met en lumière celles et ceux qui s’engagent pour promouvoir les circuits courts et valoriser les richesses locales. Cette reconnaissance illustre l’engagement de Tours in Provence à proposer des expériences authentiques et respectueuses de l’environnement.

Nous sommes fiers de figurer dans cette sélection et remercions chaleureusement Véronique Dardoize pour cette belle mise en avant de notre travail et de nos valeurs.

Retrouvez le replay de l’émission pour découvrir l’interview de votre guide Cécile et en savoir plus sur l’approche unique de Tours in Provence.

Cliquez, Choisissez, Explorez

Envie de partir en toute liberté sur les chemins de Provence ? Découvrez tous nos circuits et laissez-vous inspirer. Cliquez sur l’image de votre choix et commencez votre aventure dès maintenant !

Replay de l’émission

Écoutez les 2 émissions

Tours in Provence, une invitation à découvrir la Provence autrement.

Mon Côté Sud avec Melissa Theuriau

Diffusion le dimanche 22 janvier à 12h55
France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur


Dans ce nouvel épisode de Mon Côté
Sud, Mélissa Theuriau partage avec
nous son amour pour Saint-Rémy-de-
Provence, cette petite ville des
Bouches-du-Rhône qui l’a adoptée.
Depuis presque 20 ans, l’ex-journaliste
Mélissa Theuriau, devenue productrice
de films documentaires, se rend au
pied des Alpilles dès qu’elle le peut
pour se ressourcer et y passer de bons
moments en famille, avec son mari
Jamel Debbouze et leurs deux enfants.

Broadcast on Sunday 22 January at 12.55 pm
France 3 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur


In this new episode of Mon Côté
South, Mélissa Theuriau shares with us
us her love for Saint-Rémy-de-
Provence, this small town in the
Bouches-du-Rhône which adopted her.
For almost 20 years, the former journalist
Mélissa Theuriau, now a documentary film producer
documentary film producer, has been going to the
to the foot of the Alpilles whenever she can
to recharge her batteries and spend quality time with
and spend quality time with her family, with her husband
Jamel Debbouze and their two children.

If you wish to discover our beautiful region and all its biodiversity, Let’s organize your trip!
Don’t hesitate to contact us.


Birdwatching in Camargue

Birdwatching in Camargue, when is the best time of the year to come to Camargue?

We can say all year, depending of the birds you are interesting to see.

Now the winter season is coming with is amount of surprises. Camargue is the place to be if you are looking for the anatidae as ducks: Gadwall, Wigeon, Shoveler, Pintail, Garganey, Teal and also the Red-crested Pochard among some Pochards. The big Shelduck is as well on the canals of the great wetlands.

As water birds, we will see during our birding day by the Vaccarès the Great Crested Grebe and the more discret Black-necked Grebe and Little Grebe.

Ones of the most stunning birds coming to Camargue in winter time are the Common Cranes.

During the day we will observe the Cranes gathering in the fields of rices and sunflowers.At the end of the day, the Cranes are all flying back in big group to the marshes where they will stay all night away from the predators.

Sunrise in Camargue is as well a great moment to admire those birds.

Cranes are wintering in large group in Camargue since 1980. Some them are stoping few days on their way to Spain and to Egypt by the Nil valley.

Theirs trumpeting calls, when they are flying over the Provence region, make us look up and discovering those magnificent birds.  Their flys are at the same time gracious and powerful.The young born the summer time by the Scandinavian lakes are travelling with both parents.An amazing show to see.

The Great Flamingo are living in Camargue all year. They give birth to an unique chick… when the Flamingo chick reach the 10 days she/he will be ready to join the rest of the young in the crèche. Some adults are taking care of that big group of chicks during the day and the parents will come  back at the end of the day to feed their ones.

Winter time is also the season for the parade of the Great Flamingos, they are then more colorful than ever more beautiful to seduce their partner. Colors is the sign of great health so the capacity to nest, and take care of their chick…

More augment we have for the Birders and for the travelers looking for a great experience in that unique region of south of France: La Camargue.

Check out these birds

















sarcelle-d-hiver avocettes-elegantes courlis-cendre becassine-des-marais grue-cendree flamant-portrait flamants grues-cendrees

If you wish to discover our beautiful region and all its biodiversity, Let’s organize your trip!
Don’t hesitate to contact us.


Spring and summer in Camargue

Spring and summer in Camargue, are two seasons when many things happen for Birders.

Many Migratory Breeding birds are coming from Africa to breed in Provence.
Because the Camargue has many sanctuaries where wildlife and biodiversity are the priorities.
Is then an ideal area for nesting.

Breeding birds.

The Collared Pratincole breeds in loose colonies. The Purple Heron is strongly attached to wetland and river delta.
The white plumage of the Squacco Heron makes his observation easier.

The most colourful birds we can observe every spring time in Provence are the European Rollers and the European Bee-eaters. Both species are coming in spring time to Provence.
In May they find in Camargue the perfect area to built their nest.
In summer the great numbers of insects flying other the wetland of the delta of the Rhône are necessary to breed the young birds and to make reserves before flying back to Africa in September.

We can observe as well the Cuckoos, in Camargue the Cuckoo can be heard in April.
As the Great Spotted Cuckoo, which is not an easy bird to observe.

In Provence in the villages or farm called Mas in provençal, the Hoopoe nests in old trees, the swift, the barn swallow and the house Martin choose the old construction.

One of the magnificent birds of Camargue is the Great flamingo.
They are now resident breeding species.
Since the 1990 a large colonie of Great Flamingos has settle down in Camargue.
The plumage of the young Flamingos are black and white, then they turn pink when they reach the age of 3.
The colour of the Great flamingo is due to the pigment find in their allimentation, the Artemia salina an aquatic invertebrates, present in the marsh and salty water.

Camargue is the place to go to when you are a Birder in Provence. We have the chance in our region to have great sites as the Alpilles Mountain chain of the Sainte Victoire Mountain…
Where we will see different species than the ones observed in Camargue.

Check out these birds

Spring and summer in Camargue

Great Flamingo
Bee Eater
Rollier Europe Eygaliere Destet
Squacco Heron
Great Reed Wabler
Great Flamingo Bee Eater Rollier Europe Eygaliere Destet Squacco Heron Great Reed Wabler

If you wish to discover our beautiful region and all its biodiversity, Let’s organize your trip!
Don’t hesitate to contact us.


Let’s go birdwatching in Camargue !

In the south of France, in the heart of Provence, between the Rhone River and the Mediterranean sea, we find an exceptional place for birdwatching: La Camargue.

La Camargue is the delta of the Rhône River. Is a vast wetland, the influence of the Mediterranean sea and the Rhône River are at the origine of great diversity of natural environments.
The lagoons, the dunes, large trees on the river side, the ponds with clear water, the reed bed, the brackish water.
The Regional Natural Park of Camargue has been created to protect wildlife, fauna and flora, and as well to maintain the cultural heritage and to support economic actors, craftsmen and a sustainable agriculture. There is in Camargue a lot of rice fields, vineyards and salt marsh.
Of course when we think of birds in Camargue we have immediately the Great Flamingo in mind.

The Camargue hosts many migratory birds for simple stop or wintering birds.

During the post nuptial season, certain bird species make a simple stop in order to build up food reserves before continuing their migratory journey to sub-Saharan Africa.
A birding day in Camargue will give you the opportunity to see the Black Storks, the Short-toed Snake Eagle, European Honey Buzzard, the falcon Hobby will hunt over the marshes to catch their prey.

Other wintering birds will spend the winter in the Rhône delta, to take advantage of ponds rich in fish and fields already harvested but where the seeds remain to be nourished.
Many ducks as the Red-crested Pochard, the Northern pintail, the Eurasian wigeon can be observe and as well the magnificent Cranes in the field or flying other the Camargue.

Of course the lagoons and the ponds host great colonies of waders. They are the first migratory birds arriving in Camargue late summer.
Turnstone, Dunlin, Curlew Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Greenshank… and Lapwing, Grey Plover…

So if you wish to see autumn migratory birds, note that they arrived or fly through the Camargue region from end August to November.

Check out these birds



Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpiper

Red Crested Pochard

Red Crested Pochard







Blackstork Cigognenoire

Blackstork Cigognenoire

greenshank Curlew Sandpiper Red Crested Pochard Lapwing Hobby Crane Blackstork Cigognenoire

If you wish to discover our beautiful region and all its biodiversity, Let’s organize your trip!
Don’t hesitate to contact us.


Moustiers Sainte Marie, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence

Moustiers Sainte Marie, one of the most beautiful village in Provence, its gold star protected the village. It’s situated in the Regional Parc of the Verdon Canyon and the lake Sainte Croix.          The view from the chapel Notre Dame de Beauvoir is worth climbing hundreds the steps. The chapel and the church were built on the XII Century.

The countryside is just breathtaking. In June and July the lavender fields are so colorful, it’s a luxury for all the  senses

Then in july and august it’s the bright yellow of the sunflowers that covered all the fields.

If you would like to be driven through those picturesque landscape please send a mail through the page contact.





The Mediterranean, Cassis, La Ciotat, Sanary sur Mer…

La Provence, a day on the mediterranean coast… Cassis one of the most beautiful village on the Mediterranean Cost. Coiled in a natural setting which combines pine forests, ochre or white rocks, plain or terraced vineyards that stretch to the Mediterranean Sea. Cassis is protected by two monuments of nature which are Cape Canaille (highest maritime cliff of Europe) which glows when mistral winds blow and the Calanques made of white limestone.










Cassis 2

Cassis sea side




Capital of the Christendom in the Middle Ages, Avignon kept of its History a heritage of exception a big part of which is registered on the UNESCO world heritage: the Popes’ Palace and








the Bridge of Avignon, but also the square of the palace with the baroque facade of the hotel of currencies, museum of the Peti

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